As an academic researcher, I have been developing individual research and work in collaboration. 
In this space, I believe it is possible to be more speculative, subjective, or experimental, connecting with some critical issues that design can act on or call attention to.
I invite you to know some of my publications, and we can also talk about others still in the oven 📕

Final  thesis: the dimension of touch in experimentation: an investigation of spaces of hesitation in design  | A dimensão do toque na experimentação: uma investigação de espaços de hesitação no design.  See the case   | Complete work

(2022) Data-driven approach to qualify a Persona service strategy @ Touchpoint—The Journal of Service Design Network (UK)  
(2022) Hesitating between Threads and Needles: An Inquiry into the Dimension of Touch in Design Experimentation @ Diseña (Chile) 
(2021) Capítulo no Ebook Métodos, processos e práticas em Design Estratégico (Chapter in the Ebook Methods, Processes and Practices in Strategic Design) PT @PPG Design Unisinos 
(2021) Comunidades autônomas: a construção de cenários de design estratégico para as populações em vulnerabilidade no Covid-19 (Autonomous communities: building strategic design scenarios for vulnerable populations during Covid-19) PT   
(2021) Diálogos por designs decolonizantes: desvios e emergências de um coletivo de estudantes de design (Dialogues by decolonizing designs: deviations and emergencies of a collective of design students) PT @ II Colóquio de Pesquisa e Design ⟶ 
(2020) Relatos de práticas e a formação de um coletivo de experimentação em design estratégico (Reports of practices and the formation of a experimentation collective in strategic design) PT @ DCS 2020  
(2020) Ebook III Internacional Design Culture Symposium - Scenarios, Speculation & Strategies @ Artefato Lab 
(2018) Design Estratégico para e com deficientes visuais: uma abordagem participativa usando ferramentas adaptadas ao usuário (Strategic Design for and with the visually impaired: a participatory approach using user-adapted tools) PT @ PED Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design 2019    
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